How to Find the Right Auction House for Your Items

When it comes to selling your antiques and valuables at auction, you’ve got more than enough options here in the greater Boston area. At Extreme Packing Solutions, we work closely with local area auction houses to ensure that all items bought and sold are packaged and shipped properly and in-tact. But how do you know which auction house to choose from such a long list?

Choosing the Appropriate Auction House

First things first, depending on the type of item you are trying to sell you will need to find the right tiered auction house.

High-End Auction Houses

Sotheby’s, Christie’s, and other high-end auction houses have branches here in the Boston area and are known for selling equally as high-end valuables. There is a particular price floor that your item must be at or above in order to be sold at these auction houses. It is best to get your item or items appraised by a professional before contacting these auction houses.

Mid-Range Auction Houses

One of the most popular types of auction houses are mid-range auction houses. There are hundreds of these in the Boston area and Extreme Packing Solutions can recommend a handful that we personally work with. Mid-range auction houses will usually sell vintage items such as china or crystal glassware, collectors items such as sports paraphernalia and antique furniture.

Low Range Auction Houses

These types of auction houses are a great way for homeowners who are having an estate sale or spring cleaning sale but don’t want to go through the process of selling the items themselves. Many businesses may also auction off conference room furniture, desks, electronics and other goods.

What You Need to Know Before Items Head to Auction

Keep in mind that there will be fees for selling items at auction. These fees can always be negotiated, but expect to have them nonetheless. It may also take a long time for your items to go up for auction — sometimes even as long as 12 months based on the particular auction houses’ schedule. Auction houses will also not sell an item it doesn’t have in possession, which means your item will need to be stored either at the auction house or in a storage facility nearby. Extreme Packing Solutions is here to provide temporary storage solutions for both auction houses and those looking to sell their items at auction.

For a free estimate for packing and shipping auction houses as well as an estimate for our storage space, please contact EXPS, Inc. today!